A Special Thank You!

Launch Site Logo

“We’ll propel your great ideas with creative rocket fuel”

— Launch Site LLC homepage

Hello everyone! I am SO pleased to announce that my blog has a beautiful, new web design. I created the old website at the beginning of 2019. Designing the webpage was always my least favorite part of running a blog. I have little experience with web design and was never satisfied with my layout. As a result, it looked so dull and outdated. My old page wasn’t easy to navigate, the colors were boring, and the layout didn’t draw the viewer in. I had visions of what this site could be, but my limited knowledge of web design stopped me in my tracks.

That all changed when I decided to work with Launch Site LLC. They were so professional and such an excellent resource. With very little direction from me, they managed to create a website that is so beautiful. I truly couldn’t be happier with what they’ve done! I love the color scheme and the user-friendly layout. The site complements my style and aesthetic. My most recent posts are presented on the homepage with photos and quotes that are displayed to draw the viewer in. It is exactly how I want to showcase my writing, and I hope my followers will enjoy navigating around the site to discover old reviews that you might not have read yet.

I want to say a special shout out to Andoni and Andrew at Launch Site LLC. I am so grateful for the work you put into this site. Thanks to your help it looks like a completely new website. I can’t wait for others to find and follow my blog now.

Fellow bloggers, if you like what you see then I recommend you check out their website: https://www.launchsitellc.com/ or contact them via email at liftoff@launchsitellc.com .

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1 thought on “A Special Thank You!”

  1. Thank you for the kind words Brianna 😊 we truly enjoyed working on your new blog and wish you continued success 📚

    Yours Truly,
    -The Launch Site Team 🚀

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